【2019OICMA Tokyo performance Beethoven video】

【2019OICMA Tokyo performance Beethoven video】

2019OICMA closed its curtain at Tokyo performance on July 31st at Kioi Hall. Tutor of the academy Seiji Ozawa stood on the podium at the end of the concert and conducted Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 Op.135 3rd movement.

【2019OICMA 東京公演映像公開】

【2019OICMA 東京公演映像公開】7月31日に紀尾井ホールで行われた、小澤国際室内楽アカデミー奥志賀 東京公演。アンコールで指揮台に上がった小澤征爾の指揮による、ベートーヴェン:弦楽四重奏曲 第16番 Op.135 第3楽章の映像を一部ご紹介します。この楽曲は、アカデミー奥志賀で長年講師として活躍し、昨年1月に亡くなられたヴァイオリニストのロバート・マン氏が、ジュリアード弦楽四重奏団期より最も愛し、何度も指揮をした曲の一つ。近年、小澤征爾も好んで取り上げている思い入れの深い曲で、7月30日に行われたリハーサルの際にも、しみじみと「良い曲だね」と受講生たちに話していました。ベートーヴェンが完成させた最後の作品としても知られるこの曲は、今年のセイジ・オザワ 松本フェスティバル「ふれあいコンサートI」(8月18日)で、小澤征爾スイス国際アカデミーも演奏する予定です。【2019OICMA Tokyo performance Beethoven video】2019OICMA closed its curtain at Tokyo performance on July 31st at Kioi Hall. Tutor of the academy Seiji Ozawa stood on the podium at the end of the concert and conducted Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 Op.135 3rd movement. This music was loved by one of the great tutors at the academy, late Mr. Robert Mann, and he conducted this piece many times. Seiji Ozawa himself also loves this work and he said to the academy students at the rehearsal "such a wonderful music". Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 will be performed by Seiji Ozawa International Academy Switzerland at the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival "Chamber Concert I" this summer.

小澤国際室内楽アカデミー 奥志賀さんの投稿 2019年8月2日金曜日

This music was loved by one of the great tutors at the academy, late Mr. Robert Mann, and he conducted this piece many times. Seiji Ozawa himself also loves this work and he said to the academy students at the rehearsal “such a wonderful music”.

Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 will be performed by Seiji Ozawa International Academy Switzerland at the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival “Chamber Concert I” this summer.

【Tokyo Performance closed with Seiji Ozawa’s conduct】

The last performance of 2019 Ozawa International Academy Okushiga ended last night at Kioi Hall in Tokyo.
6 quartets each tried to get a harmony that only they can make after the 10 days rehearsals in Okushiga with trusted musicians.
After quartets, 24 academy students and 3 tutors got on stage together, and performed Mendelssohn: String Octet. Their performance brought the hall full of fresh air and clear blue sky from Okushiga.
At the end of the concert, Seiji Ozawa showed up on the stage and stood on the podium. He conducted Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 with extreme focus. The audience and the musicians couldn’t take their eyes off from the conductor, hoping not to miss any moment of “music” which was poring out from his body.
We thank all of you for coming to the concert.