2018OICMA Okushiga Concert

2018OICMA Okushiga Concert

The 33rd Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga Concert was successfully completed on July 28 at the Music Hall of Okushiga Kogen Hotel 

6 groups of quartets by the academy students performed a chamber musical piece as each assignment in order. All the students and 3 tutors then showed ensemble music conducted by Seiji Ozawa coming back after 9 months rest.

About 300 people of the audience, who has been supporting the OICMA in Okushiga and who is looking forward to the concert every year, sincerely enjoyed the performance  and shared wonderful atmosphere.

2018 OICMA will be completed on July 31 in Tokyo concert.
Let us enjoy their last splended performance at Toppan Hall in Tokyo. 

Media Coverage:2018OICMA Okushiga Concert

OICMA Okushiga Concert on July 28 received much attention in that Seiji Ozawa conducted the ensemble consisted of students and tutors of the academy.

The news articles on major media are as follows(Opens in a new window).

Shinmai Web (Shinano Mainichi)
小澤征爾さん、9カ月ぶり指揮 元気に熱く 山ノ内の音楽会

Digital Mainichi (Mainichi Shimbun)
長野 世界のオザワ、9カ月ぶりに指揮

Asahi DIGITAL (The Asahi Shimbun)
小澤征爾さん、9カ月ぶりに指揮 きびきびと10分間

Sankei News (Sankei Shimbun)
小澤征爾さん、長野で“復活”の指揮 手術経て9カ月ぶり

Sponichi Annex
小澤征爾さん9カ月ぶりに指揮 300人観客前に復活アピール

NHK News Web
病気療養中の小澤征爾さん 長野で9か月ぶりの指揮

Kyodo News+
Conductor Ozawa makes comeback after surgery for heart valve disease


Website Renewal Announcement

We are pleased to announce the renewal of Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga website on July 28, 2018.

This update renewed its design and site composition so that our visitors are more comfortably able to use the site and to get wide-range information to know our activity.

We look forward to your continued interest in the Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga website.